Road Trippin’ 2015
We recruit year round, but lately, our team has been logging the miles. Thanks to all our current and alumni FEMBAs who meet us in all these cities and help us communicate to the next generation of FEMBAs. And thanks to my team, who make it all happen!
Military Lunch in San Diego, April 7, 2015
Maureen Riley drove down and hosted a great event with the help of three of our amazing FEMBA military students/alumni Naomi Slusser 2017, Pat Winter 2014, and Joe Hogan 2017.

March 28, 2015 Lunch for Eight with Professor Stephen Spiller and new 2018s. Thanks Terry Shea ’16 for organizing.

Information Session at Google in Mountain View, March 20, 2015
Said Maureen, “For two years I’ve wanted to have an FEMBA Info Session at Google, and it finally happened last night! It was fantastic. A lot of the attendees work at Google naturally, but we also had people from Tesla, SAP, ITC, Merrill Lynch, Ericsson, Lockheed, Expedia, HP, and CTS there…The woman who works at Tesla said it was the best info session that she has been to because it was not boring and because everyone was very open.” Here is Maureen, getting ready for the evening.
Supporting Maureen were our own current and alumni FEMBAs. Left to Right: Tim Frank, Tim Hui, Anna Min, Sammy Shan, and Neelima Clark (not pictured here, had to leave early).
Here is Maureen leading the Information Session at Google.
HOPE Latina History Day Conference March 13, 2015
Christy Marquez and Christina Marentes on our team attended this very successful conference. Wrote Christy, “…was a day full of successful and inspiring Latina guest speakers and a leadership workshop. Guest speakers included a NASA scientist, politicians and executives, and the leadership workshop was run by a psychologist and entrepreneur who is one of Al Osborne’s mentees.”

Houston, March 9, 2015 Christy jetted over to Houston Monday and hosted a dinner for future FEMBAs. Thanks to Flex student Vishal Saheta (2017) and alum Oleg Melnikov (2004) who attended.
Boeing, March 11, 2015 Maureen, Heather Layne 15, and I went to Boeing in El Segundo on March 11. Thanks to all our current and alumni volunteers: Patti Strong 15, Richard Pepe 14, Richard Milford 04, John Stanley 09, Theresa Huang 10 (Organizer, Thank you!), Sean Camarella 16!
Northwest Week: March 2-4, 2015, Maureen recruited on both sides of the bridge, hosting events in both Seattle and also Redmond. Then she drove three hours and held our first-ever Portland recruiting event.

Long-Term Outreach: March 2, 2015 Matt went to CSUN and spoke to honors business students about their long-term goals and how they can spend their twenties to end up at great places like UCLA Anderson.
We had an over-capacity at Admissions 101 (an 80% show rate blew us away) led by Matt, with Christy and Raymond supporting. There’s Matt in the middle.

Bay Area Week — Maureen and Christy hit the road two weeks ago, to Santa Clara and San Francisco.
Friday, February 20, was lunch in Santa Clara and we appreciate our volunteers Tim Hui 2014, Asad Sattar 2013, Jeffery Langston-Jones 2014, Sriram Puthucode 2013, and Steven Huang 2015.

Thursday, February 19, was lunch in San Francisco. Thanks to our volunteers Eric Hong 2010, Yousef Dalal 2014, Jeff Chang 2012, Asad Sattar 2013.

Wednesday evening February 18, was our Women’s Event at Yelp. Thanks to Zaina Orbai 2012, Director of HR at Yelp who hosted us, and to Anna Min 2010, Reimi Hyun 2013 and Tafflyn Toy 2011 who all joined the panel.