
Welcome to the FEMBA Experience

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UCLA Anderson in One Word is...

“…AMAZING.” Meet David Kirlew ’27, Moog Aircraft Group, Electrical Engineering Manager “…BEST-DECISION-I-MADE-IN-MY-LIFE.” Meet Barbara Alves ’26, Google, Product Partnerships Manager “…EYE-OPENING.” Meet Alannah Paren ’26, AutoCamp, CRM Manager…

Anderson Women

A Story about a Storyteller

Brandie June Chernow, MBA ’11 and BA ’05 is a double-Bruin with an undergraduate degree in Theater plus an MBA in Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Social and Digital Media. Brandie is also a storyteller and a wonderful person in our network. Brandie June Chernow ’05 and ’11. Author, playwright, entrepreneur! Brandie’s…

Anderson Women | Career Victories | Families | FEMBA Spirit | Friendships | Love Stories | Star Profiles | UCLA Overall

UCLA Love Story: Maria and Jason

In honor of UCLA being in the Sweet 16, the true love story of Maria Fabregas-Iglesias ’23 and Jason Guo ’23, how they met, commuted, courted, and married–all during FEMBA!My grandmother always told me, “If you want to catch a fish, you better go where the good fish are.” With…

FEMBA Spirit

New Year, New Recruiting Evening

We hosted 79 future UCLA Anderson FEMBA’s last evening for our January 2022 “Why FEMBA for Your Career” webinar. Thanks to my team, Raymond, Erin and Chris Lyu, for supporting the evening. Thanks to all our attendees. Here is a link to the session.