UCLA Commencement 2014, FEMBA memories
Commencement 2014! Grads and dads and moms and grandparents and babies and boyfriends and girlfriends and all of the support network of the FEMBA Class of 2014–all the dedicated loved ones gathered in the California sunshine. It’s one of the best days of the year at UCLA.
The view from Lot 4 never looks so good.
“That’s right! Next time I see the A building, I’ll be an alum,” thought by an almost-graduated 2014.
Dylan, Linda Tran ’14 and Matt Gorlick ’13
Linda and her mom, “Last time, when I graduated from Berkeley, I couldn’t get all my family up there. This time? No excuses. Everyone’s coming today.”
Couple of Texans… Dylan and Doug Longo ’14. Back from his new job at DFA in Austin.
GAP power team. Former GAP Fellow Matt Gorlick ’13. GAP Faculty member Janis Forman. GAP Executive Director Paul Brandano ’06.
Top left, taking the selfie!
I can’t look up into the sun this long! Take the photo already!
The photographer on the roof of Korn Convocation Hall said, “Close your eyes for a second. Then open them all at once and look up.” I thought it sounded like something a doctor would say before doing something painful to me.
“Now the happy one!”
Going to miss Anastasia, Melissa, Beth. You all brought so much energy to FEMBA!
More smiles.
Oh yeah we did!
With Daniel Millner ’14. Daniel works on-campus, as the Director of World Arts and Culture. Thanks for all the coffees at Il Tram these last years Daniel. I think we solved all the world’s big problems over those conversations! So nice seeing your wife and family last night.
Dylan con Manuel Ambriz ’14. ¿Manuel, qué puedo decir? Es increíble que volabas desde ciudad de México a Los Angeles durante tres años. Eres una persona increíble.
Manuel Ambriz ’14, commuted from Mexico City to Los Angeles for three years. He wore out three passports. He wasn’t in FLEX, he was in all-day Saturday. I don’t know for sure, but I doubt there’s a UCLA Anderson graduate who logged more miles for their MBA than Manuel. Felicitaciones!
Josh Schachter ’14, Hrag Hamalian ’14 and me. Can’t wait to see what these two entrepreneurs cook up next!
Jon Dearing and Susan Dearing. Congratulations Jon. Congratulations Mom!
Ryan Hughes ’14. Founder of Bull Oak Capital and a committed father and husband. Go Ryan Go!
Never have to take another MBA final exam….
Professor Janis Forman, Professor Carla Hayn (FEMBA’s Senior Associate Dean for the last seven amazing years) and Patricia Godefroy, our new marketing Dean.
With Kari Shumaker ’15, FEMBA’s new student body president.
Dean Judy Olian, Dean Al Osborne, and Susan Wojcicki ’98, CEO of Youtube and our 2014 Commencement speaker.
Faculty line up.
Looking at the grads lining up, from the catwalk.
Faculty parade.
Brian Sterz ’14. Going to miss you!
Brian and Doug!
Follow the leaders. Susan Wojcicki ’98 and Judy Olian lead the procession.
Andrew Hull ’14, with Gonzalo Freixes and Carla Hayn. Congratulations Andrew. Your commencement address was outstanding. Heartfelt. Compelling. Great.
I see you, seeing me. Gonna miss you Michael Klausler.
Susan Wojckicki ’98 offers applause for the new grads.
Andrew Hull ’14, gives a heck of a speech.
Nothing beats the California sunshine!
Brian Sterz ’14…get off the phone. We’re trying to have a graduation here!
You know it’s a party when we break out the bagpipes!