Life Victory: Ross Resnick ’14
Coming back from the gym today, I ran into Ross Resnick, FEMBA 2014. Ross is an entrepreneur, the founder of Roaming Hunger and also the co-founder of FleaPop. Ross was also in my MGMT 298D, Strategic Business Communications, course in 2012.
In my course, I love to talk about “Career Victories,” the natural results of effective, persuasive public speaking. Ross told me today, “You know Dylan. I used what we learned in the course for a very different purpose. While normally I’m the guy who likes to be spontaneous and shoot from the hip, I recently had the opportunity to give my grandmother’s eulogy. I used the framework from our (298D) class and the eulogy went much better. It was natural. I just wanted to say thanks.”
That may be the highlight of the week, hearing that “Life Victory” for Ross.