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FEMBA Experience

Bold Moves and Giving Back: meet Kimberly Freeman ’02

Drive Time - Dylan's Blog - Episode 18 - Kimberly Freeman - 9.2.16

Meet Kimberly Freeman ’02, our UCLA Anderson Assistant Dean for Diversity Initiatives and Community Relations. Kimberly brings three degrees and a career’s worth of making a difference in industry back to UCLA Anderson.

Kimberly discusses her education and career and commitment, including:

  • being a ‘born and bred’ product of Los Angeles
  • earning degrees from Berkeley (Engineering) and USC (Public Policy) before earning her UCLA Anderson MBA
  • commuting from the Bay Area during FEMBA
  • being an energy lobbyist, working with Southern California Gas company before coming back to UCLA Anderson
  • managing a ‘career as a laboratory’; seeking and finding mentors; always growing; sharing success
  • building the confidence of a leader through the stages of a career
  • civic engagement and asking the big questions of one’s career, like “How can I contribute to society?” and  “How will I measure success?”

We hope you enjoy this interview with a very successful UCLA Anderson alumna, Kimberly Freeman.

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