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MBA Insider

UCLA Anderson MBA Kicks Off the 2010-11 Recruiting Season

The 2010-11 recruiting season for the UCLA Anderson MBA Program has officially begun with the launch of our online application and fresh new content on the website. Please visit the site for information about the program and tips to guide you through the application process, including:

•    application deadlines and decision release dates
•    a list of fall recruiting events around the world
•    postings of audio/video essay submissions from new admits on the MBA home page   
•    new video content of students in the flash panel on the MBA home page

Please visit our website regularly for additional updates to our travel calendar, new student essays and a new video series on the evaluation process to be launched in late August.You can also follow me, on Twitter, friend UCLA Anderson on Facebook or join us for a virtual or in-person event soon. We look forward to meeting you!

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