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Meet the MBA Admissions Office Coordinators

If you’ve ever contacted our office, chances are you’ve been in touch with one of our admissions coordinators, Connie and Christina.   They’re the team working tirelessly to answer the thousands of emails, phone calls, and walk-in inquiries that come to our office each year.  In today’s post, you have the chance to meet this duo and learn their tips on making the most of your interactions with our office!

Admissions Coordinators
Our admissions coordinators, Connie and Christina

How long have you been with MBA Admissions and what are your main responsibilities?

Connie: I’ve been with the MBA admissions office for about 5 years.  My primary role is to help prospective students navigate the application process and learn more about our MBA program.  I’m also responsible for various special projects, such as assisting international admits with the visa process so they arrive on campus in a timely fashion. 

 Christina: It’s been exactly a year since I joined the MBA Admissions office.  In addition to assisting applicants as Connie mentioned, I also coordinate various prospective and admitted student events in cities around the US and the world.  In addition, I manage the day-to-day operations for our office.

How often do you interact with prospective students?

Connie: All the time!  Depending on the time of year, we receive anywhere from a dozen up to a hundred email and telephone inquiries each day, and we try our best to answer everything within 48 hours of receipt.  We also get lots of foot traffic in the office, often from applicants visiting from other cities or countries,and we’re happy to have a conversation to answer any questions in person. 

Christina: We really enjoy assisting prospective students with all manner of questions, from explaning application requirements to suggesting dining options on campus.  We’re passionate about making sure you have the best possible application experience with us.

What do you enjoy most about UCLA Anderson? 

Christina: All the amazing speakers and events on campus, as well as the sense of community between students, faculty, and the administration.

Connie: I really enjoy listening to applicants’ stories and learning why they’re pursuing an MBA.  Getting to know our applicants and students in the program – it’s one of the highlights of the job.

What are some steps applicants can take before they contact the admissions office?

Christina: Explore our website, review our application requirements and be prepared with meaningful questions.  We address the most common questions in our FAQs so be sure to take a look at this section!

Connie: I recommend reaching out to students in clubs/organizations – they’re a great resource and eager to share their experience at Anderson.  We also have a ton of events, on and off-campus as well as online, and I highly encourage applicants to take advantage of them.

What’s your advice for prospective students?

Connie: There’s a lot of information out there, and we understand the process can feel overwhelming.  Take it one step at a time, visit the schools on your short list if possible, and talk to as many current students and alumni as you can.

Christina: Do your research, and take the time you need to make your application the strongest it can be before you submit.  And don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

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