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From the Dean’s Desk: Round One Decisions Released Today

This post is part of our “From the Dean’s Desk” series, where we hear directly from our UCLA Anderson leaders across the school.

Just after midnight today, we released all of our decisions to our full-time MBA Round 1 applicants for our Class of 2023! Admissions officers also called each admit, so we had the chance to break the news to many surprised candidates. It was so wonderful to hear the joy and excitement on the other end of the phone line! 

All Round 1 applicants received an email to check their Status Page for their decision letter, as we use that secure site to display letters rather than actually sending by email.  If you applied but did not see the notification email, please check your spam folder, or just go directly to your Status Page to view your admissions decision.

We are already receiving Round 2 applications and we know, as always, it will be our biggest round of the year.  We look forward to seeing many more excellent candidates in the new year by the Round 2 deadline of January 8 (or Round 3 deadline of April 16).

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our application for Round 1, good luck to those working on applications for Rounds 2 and 3, and congratulations to all of our new admits!



— Alex Lawrence

Assistant Dean and Director – MBA Admissions and Financial Aid

Group of people holding a round one sign

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