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MBA Insider

Don’t Just Visit, Get the Full Campus Experience!

Now that our students are back from their summer internships and well-earned breaks, the campus is back to its usual level of energy and excitement. We invite you to preview the MBA experience by participating in our MBA Campus Experience program. Our Campus Experience offerings may include General Information Sessions (GIS), school tours, class visits, coffee chats, and lunches. These events are great ways to learn more about the MBA program, our culture and individual experiences through the recruiting process and club involvement.

  • General Information Session (GIS)Learn about what sets us apart as a leading MBA program, pick up tips on how to successfully navigate the admissions process and get answers to your questions. Sessions are held generally on Mondays and Wednesdays (at 5:00 PM) and are hosted by a second-year student ambassador or an admissions officer.
  • School TourStroll through our beautiful campus and surrounding grounds with a student ambassador to see how our students make the most of our world class facilities. Tours are offered generally on Mondays and Wednesdays during the academic year at 4:00 PM.
  • Class VisitJoin our students in an actual full-time MBA class and experience the collaborative environment among our students and faculty. Classes are generally held Monday through Thursday during the academic year (beginning the 2nd week of the quarter) except for final’s week.
  • Coffee Chat or LunchLearn first-hand from a current student all about our culture and opportunities at UCLA Anderson. Grab your own favorite beverage or food and join the conversation. Student coffee and lunch chats are offered at varying times Monday through Thursday.

If you can’t join us in person on campus, remember that you can connect with us online at an Admissions Webinar hosted by a student ambassador or admissions officer on most Thursdays from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM and/or watch one our featured students on a Liveguide webinar session as they share highlights of their personal MBA journeys.  

Anderson Campus Experience

Stay in Touch: Introduce Yourself
Follow the Admissions Team @uclaMBA:  Twitter and Instagram
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