What a few weeks! The Class of 2018 is the largest FEMBA class ever, with the most women, most military, most PhDs and a raised GMAT. Kaboom! We couldn’t be more pleased. Enjoy these photos from Leadership Foundations, including the Class doing the 8-Clap, plus some photos from around campus.
Power Women of UCLA: L-R Dr. Pamela Douglas ’18, new FEMBA and Assistant Professor at UCLA, Dean Judy Olian, and Susan Francia ’18, new FEMBA and our second-ever Olympic Gold Medalist. At the cocktail reception at the end of Leadership Foundations.Senior Associate Dean Margaret Shih welcoming the Class of 2018The amazing Faculty of Leadership Foundations, and their dedicated TAs.The record-setting Class of 2018!The Flex section was taught by Professor Craig Fox.Here’s what it is like to be me, address you–all 345 of you–on Day One of Leadership Foundations in Korn Hall!
For 20 years and counting, Odyssey has on-boarded UCLA MBAs. L-R, the founders Lain Hensley, Todd Demorest, and Bill Johns. Rarely do we get all three the same week!Change five things.Change five more!Our very own Matt Gorlick ’13, leading all 345 new FEMBAs through the Birkman!Ready for Beams and Strings? Have you done your power warm-up today? Power Speech with Professor Eli Simon.
Tuesday of Leadership Foundations, Sarah McIntyre 18 listened to Professor Craig Fox speak about women asking for salaries commensurate with the value they bring. The very next day, Sarah received a job offer that she had been seeking with a new firm. Sarah immediately applied her learning from the day before and counter-offered with a higher salary request. Sarah got the job AND the better salary! Congratulations to Sarah, new Senior Communications Consultant for Esurance. Sarah is commuting from San Francisco and is in FEMBA Flex.Kyle was working in Boston when he applied to FEMBA. He planned on Flexing from Boston, but instead he left his job and came west. Working with Susan Cowell in FEMBA Career Services, Kyle connected with Chris Barrington ’15, who was the lead who connected Kyle to his new—in Los Angeles—job. Congratulations to Kyle: New job as a Lab Analyst for UCLA in the Department of Pathology and a new life in LA! Kyle is in all-day Saturday, Section 2.Nothing bonds people like the Ropes Course, and In-N-Out!Flexers on last day, with Professor Craig FoxDatra Oliver 18 and Dominique Akens 18, brought friends with them to the cocktail hour at the end of LF. Datra, in addition to being in Flex and starting FEMBA, was also experiencing the first time away from her child during LF.Janak Udiyavar 18 was so kind in his words, reflecting on Leadership Foundations, “Dylan, this was one of the best weeks of my life.” We are humbled to hear acknowledgements like that. L-R Dylan, Janak and Associate Dean Gonzalo FreixesThe Leadership Foundations team: Michael, Itze and Kuni, we couldn’t do it without you all!Some days I take a walk at lunch, and soak up the beauty of our campus. Royce Hall, summer 2015This week, walking out the front door, I met (l-r) Lisa Reyes 18 and Jennifer Khedr 15. Jennifer and Lisa met through networking of a mutual colleague who’s also a FEMBA! I had the privilege of teaching Strategic Business Communications to Jennifer in the summer of 2013.Today, during a fire drill, as we all stood outside we ran into Daniel Sacks 17, who had come by to get his parking permit. Daniel works for GG & A, a management consultancy focusing on higher ed. Daniel recently had a meeting with a UCLA Vice Chancellor! L-R Daniel, Christy, Vanessa and Matt of our FEMBA Admissions team.It’s so great to get out of the office. I went up to the balcony to eat lunch today and sat with Andrew Sharp, new 18, who was on-campus, working remotely. Andrew works for Opower, and his company educates and motivates utility customers through big-data analytics to find huge savings.The latest in the global F-E-M-B-A body spelling. This was from Brittany Blackamore 16 and friends.Brittany Blackamore 16 is maximizing her FEMBA experience. In addition to Greece in September, she also was on the Hong Kong trip in March. Here she is when we visited UCLA Anderson alumni at Sotheby’s in Hong Kong.And finally…Peter Saephanh 18 sent me this photo, also from the Acropolis, of FEMBAs spelling out words during the September Greece visit. I am honored…
That’s it for this week. Hope you enjoyed the photos.